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Jawatan Kosong UPM

Advertisement on vacancy in Pusat Pendidikan Luar UPM
Closing date 27 April 2009

Pendidikan Luar's centre invite all Malaysian citizens qualified to apply as Bacelor PJJ programme's tutor in learning centre. Applicant must possess at least Ijazah Ba­­chelor in areas of relevance. Priority given to which candidate having Masters Degree and upper. Please download PPL3's form / TTR1 and send together resume and certificate copy qualification to following address :

Unit Kemasukan dan Hal Ehwal Tutorial
Pusat Pendidikan Luar
Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang

Application deadline date : 27 April 2009 (*any application after closing date would be brought in forward semester)
To further information please contact : 03-89468821 / 8815 (Nurul's Ms Nadya / Adzatul's Ms Shima)

PPL's application form


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