Job Vacancies : MAIPK
Closing Date : 4 March 2011
Applicants are invited from people of DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan, Muslims who are qualified to apply for positions at the Council of Islamic Religion and Malay Customs Perak (MAIPK) for the following positions:
1. Assistant Information Systems Officer Grade F29
2. Administrative Assistant (Clerical/Operation) Grade N17
3. Financial Administrative Assistant Grade W17
4. Computer Technician Grade FT 17
5. Al-Quran Teacher Grade S17
For more information, click link below:-
Job Ads
Application Form
Official Site
Closing Date : 4 March 2011
Applicants are invited from people of DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan, Muslims who are qualified to apply for positions at the Council of Islamic Religion and Malay Customs Perak (MAIPK) for the following positions:
1. Assistant Information Systems Officer Grade F29
2. Administrative Assistant (Clerical/Operation) Grade N17
3. Financial Administrative Assistant Grade W17
4. Computer Technician Grade FT 17
5. Al-Quran Teacher Grade S17
For more information, click link below:-
Job Ads
Application Form
Official Site